New Piece- OJ vs Osama Bin Laden
The question was posed
Who do you believe deserves to be in jail the most, Osama Bin Laden or Oj Simpson?
And guess who received the most votes by nearly three to one….
That rights America’s new favorite piss boy …the Juice
Now the truth is there was no such poll taken
I made it up…
to prove the point that it is not too farfetched of a notion for you and I to believe that an African American man found innocent in a criminal court of law for killing two white people…is more hated and reviled in America than a Saudian Arabian man who leads an international terrorist group that has admitted on tape, over and over again to masterminding the killing more than 2,618 americans more than 75% white.
When oj shows up on the news golfing, eating or stealing his shit back…it usually followed with immediate cries for his head…OJ need to go somewhere…people are genuinely pissed off at the mere sight of OJ.
As compared to when bin laden sends out another tape saying he hates Americans and will be coming to kill us soon…no immediate out cry… no anger…but genuine curiosity…is the tape authentic….is his beard longer….do think they will raise the threat level to orange…
and no matter how you feel about OJ…about what he did or what he got away with…there is something very wrong with this picture…
it has gotten to the point that OJ has come to symbolize everything that is wrong with our society, our justice system….
You would think that before oj there was no such thing as a miscarriage of justice…that no ever got away with…or was falsely accused of murder like the Scottsboro nine, the four little girls, Kenneth Foster, and Willie Bennet and my list could on but hey if it makes you sleep better at night knowing that no matter what the crime is we always know that oj did it…its like oj is the new white boogey man, the cutty black sow, the colored chuchacbra…that maternal threat that is whispered to little children right before they drift off to sleep if you are not good oj’s going get you …sleep tight
I won’t be surprised if in this upcoming campaign cycle that the republican and democratic parties adopt the “OJ did it” platform….I can just hear it now in the 2008 presidential debate so Senator Obama…former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan…stated the following If the pernicious drift toward fiscal instability in the United States and elsewhere is not arrested and is compounded by a protectionist reversal of globalization, the adjustment process could be quite painful for the world economy. " what do you think Greenspan was trying to tell us… well its obvious given the context of his statement …just a cursory review of the key leading indicators ….tells you that quite clear that OJ did it, next question
Mayor Guilianni, you are the only candidate in the race that has direct experience in responding to terrosist…you where at ground level zero for the worst crime ever perpetrated on American soil…Tell us what are the key strategies needed to deal with this rise in international terrorism which threatens the very existence of the American way… if I learned anything from that tragedy…I learned that you have to meet threat head-on…so the first and most important thing is to neutralize OJ; to the extent that we can minimize the OJ threat the rest is a cake walk. “
I am not saying that oj is innocent
What I’m saying is that he is innocent of being the answer to every problem we…
Mired in Iraq- Oj did it
Black kids don’t graduate- OJ did it
Rise in domestic abuse – OJ did it
Illegal immigration,
Rising cost of gas
Can’t sell your poetry
Got laid off
Got knocked up
Got knocked out
Neighbor kicked your dog
OJ did it
Well vick kicked the dog
But that is a different poem
What trying to say is that it is easy to get caught up in this culture of focusing all of our energy, resources, time on celebrity solutions to real problems…Lindsey lohan, Britney spears, micheal vick, paris Hilton, and george bush….that’s right george bush…are not the answers to our problems…we are
But hey if it helps you sleep better at night knowing that oj did it…
Sleep tight don’t let the bed bugs bite….
you know how i feel about political poems... deep sigh....
hahahha even funnier reading it now
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